NH Climate Health Action Talk

June, 2024

Scroll to Read:

  • NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action is Rebranding to NH Healthy Climate!

  • Arrange a Climate and Health Presentation in your Community!

  • Introducing our Summer Intern: Chelsea Nyamutowa!

  • Bimonthly Challenge

  • Planetary Health

  • Corporate Sponsors


NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action is rebranding to NH Healthy Climate!

On June 2nd, our Board of Directors met in person for a long-range planning retreat to discuss our goals and strategies for the organization going forward. We are approaching our 3rd birthday as an organization, and wanted to make sure we have a clear vision of where we have been, what we have accomplished, and most importantly, how we plan to grow. 

One especially exciting piece of news is that we unanimously voted to change the name of our organization to NH Healthy Climate!

We have heard your feedback over the years that NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action and its acronym, NH HWCA, are too lengthy and hard to remember. We are really excited about this change, and have received enthusiasm from community partners already!

We will be the same trusted organization, utilizing the healthcare voice to educate and mobilize the Granite State on climate and health solutions, and look forward to all we will accomplish as NH Healthy Climate.

Paul Friedrichs, MD

Board Chair, NH Healthy Climate


NH Healthy Climate

We know you care. 

We know you’re busy.

Let us be your voice.

Become a Member for $10 Now!

Arrange a Climate and Health Presentation in your Community!

Introducing our Summer Intern: Chelsea Nyamutowa!

Chelsea Nyamutowa is a graduate student at the University of Maine, doing her master’s degree in International Affairs with a focus on Climate Policy. Her research focuses on how climate change impacts mental health. She received her BSc Honors degree in Sociology in Zimbabwe at Great Zimbabwe University. After graduation, she worked as a counselor and a researcher in the mental health field for five years. She specialized in Problem-solving Therapy which seeks not only to help an individual but also to empower them to deal with daily problems.

Bimonthly Challenge: Set your AC thermostat to 73 degrees or higher.  

Summer is here and so is the heat. Most homes will be running their AC to give relief from the sweltering, and setting an air conditioner thermostat to 68 degrees or even lower in the summer is common. Here are some great facts I learned courtesy of the 8billiontrees.com website.  Air conditioners use about 7 percent of all electricity in the US.  It is estimated that the use of electricity to run all of these air conditioners results in 118 million metric tons of CO2 released annually.  That is approximately the same as the weight of 2.6 billion Red Kangaroos! 8billiontrees.com recommends setting your thermostat to 73 degrees (or higher) this summer. That will not only reduce your electricity bill but will also reduce the amount of CO2 emissions being produced.  

For more information on how to choose the best passive cooling techniques that work for your particular family needs and health conditions, here is a nice summary of nine techniques for keeping the home cool during the hot months.  

Darla Thyng MD 

Rethinking, Refusing, Reducing, Reusing and then, if needed, Recycling

Planetary Health

The Purple Finch, our New Hampshire State bird, is decreasing in the state according to the NH Audubon. Climate change and loss of habitat are thought to be among chief contributors.

Courtesy Henry Trombley, https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/94263621

Thank you to our corporate sponsors!

TCG’s Concord Office Proud to Again Sponsor NH Healthy Climate

The Colony Group and two of its New Hampshire professionals, John F. Weeks, CExP and Indrika Arnold, MSFP, CFP® are delighted to sponsor NH Healthy Climate for the second consecutive year. The organization empowers healthcare workers to educate and mobilize the public in support of climate solutions to improve health for all.

“One of our multi-generational clients is very involved in NH Healthcare Workers and we were pleased to have the opportunity to partner with the family to support this important organization,” said Arnold, who is a Senior Family Wealth Advisor and Principal at TCG in the Concord office.

Weeks, a Managing Director, Family Wealth and Business Transition Planning, who is also in the Concord office, noted that family, philanthropy, and community are of vital importance to clients and TCG’s team in New Hampshire. “This sponsorship allows healthcare workers, who see the effects of climate change on their patients’ physical and emotional health to share the message about this essential work on behalf of New Hampshire residents.”

Weeks is also a long-time supporter of The Nature Conservancy, which also sponsors NH Healthy Climate.

In addition to the health effects of climate change, Arnold and Weeks also noted that quality of life is important to New Hampshire residents and sustaining the environment and natural resources is integral to that.

The sponsorship aligns with TCG’s commitment to its Net Positive Pledge, which seeks to “give more to the world than we take,” and includes tackling systemic change by engaging with communities. In the pledge, TCG commits to “improving the wellbeing of everyone we impact, including our clients, employees, communities, business partners, industry, investors, and planet.”


NH Climate Health Action Talk


NH Climate Health Action Talk