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Is our warming climate making us anxious and depressed, or more resilient?

  • NH Healthy Climate PO Box 426 Manchester, NH 03105 United States (map)

Join the NH Psychological Association for “Is our warming climate making us anxious and depressed, or more resilient?” with NH Healthy Climate members Reb MacKenzie, LICSW, and Andy Gersten, PhD.

Climate change has been declared a public health crisis. In our region, extreme weather events, such as heat waves, flooding, intense storms, prolonged droughts, and increases in vector-borne disease are causing significant economic, physical, and mental health problems. Individuals, families, and communities continue to struggle with coping and adapting to these adverse impacts of climate change. Transformational Resilience is a model and set of skills that will enable individuals and communities to better adapt to climate change, particularly the mental health consequences. Resilience can be enhanced through acquiring healthy emotional regulation skills, strengthening relationships with others and the ecological web on which life depends, recognizing a sense of purpose, and defining values that contribute to our wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. This interactive workshop will provide an introduction to the Transformational Resilience Model, present a community-level resilience project, and enable attendees to develop their own project.

April 10

Zero Waste in Modern Healthcare: Mitigating Health Risks & Impacts