
Nursing for people and planet

Kasey Bellegarde, MPH, RN is a nurse and Design Specialist with the Innovation Platform at Ariadne Labs, where she works to address healthcare’s grand challenges with effective solutions that meet people’s needs and improve their lives. When she’s not at her day job, Kasey is a Doctorate of Nursing Practice in Health Innovation and Leadership student at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, focusing her studies on how we can shift healthcare and other systems towards healthier relationship with the planet. She has been involved in local, national and international climate action and advocacy efforts, including attending the annual UN climate summit, COP 27, as a delegate, and producing a guide inviting nurses to help get carbon out of healthcare. She holds leadership positions as a member of the American Nurses Association Innovations Advisory Committee on Planetary and Global Health as well as a Governing Councilor with the American Public Health Association Public Health Nursing Section. Kasey lives in Massachusetts with her family- hopefully someday successfully convincing them to live on a farm.

Joan Widmer, MS, MSBA, RN, Treasurer, and Interim Executive Director for NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action introduced our speaker and moderated the Q&A session.

This webinar is co-sponsored by the NH Nurse Practitioner Association.


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