
Parenting in a changing climate: How parents can support their children & themselves in a warming world

Elizabeth Bechard, MScPH, is a Senior Policy Analyst for Moms Clean Air Force, where she leads Moms’ work at the intersection of climate change and mental health. Before working full-time on climate change, Elizabeth spent a decade working as a health coach and clinical research coordinator at Duke Integrative Medicine, where her areas of focus included studies on coaching for behavior change; expressive writing for trauma resilience; and mindfulness-based stress reduction. After becoming a mother, Elizabeth became passionate about the intersection between climate change and family resilience. She is the author of Parenting in a Changing Climate: Tools for Cultivating Resilience, Taking Action, and Practicing Hope in the Face of Climate Change. She lives in Vermont with her husband and young twins. She is also a member of NH HWCA’s CHICKS Advisory Board.

Jennifer Alford-Teaster, MA, MPH, Director of the Data Analytic Core (DAC), Senior Research Science and lecturer in The Dartmouth Institute of Health Policy and Clinical Practice, introduced the speaker and moderated the Q&A.

This webinar is co-sponsored by the NH Public Health Association.


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