
Parenting in a changing climate:How parents can support their children&themselves in a warming world

Elizabeth Bechard is Senior Policy Analyst for Moms Clean Air Force and leads the organization’s work on climate change and mental health. She is author of Parenting in a Changing Climate: Tools for Cultivating Resilience, Taking Action, and Practicing Hope in the Face of Climate Change. Elizabeth holds a Master’s of Science in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where her thesis research focused on climate change and parents’ mental health. She is a member of the NH HWCA CHICKS Advisory Board and the Early Years Climate Action Task Force, and lives in Vermont with her husband and twins.

Jennifer Alford-Teaster, MA, MPH, Program Manager, Community Health, New London Hospital, introduced Elizabeth Bechard and moderated the Q & A. Co-sponsors of this webinar, as for the parent climate cafes two days before, are the Climate and Health Initiative for Caregivers and Kids (CHICKs), the Montshire Museum of Science, the Center for Advancing Rural Health Equity at Dartmouth Health, the Boys & Girls Club of Central NH, and Mom’s Clean Air Force.


Climate Informed Pediatric Care


Parenting in a changing climate: How parents can support their children & themselves in a warming world