The NH Healthy Climate
Climate Change and Food Systems: Challenges and Possibilities
Climate change impacts all aspects of life, including the capacity to grow and procure nourishing food and clean water. Likewise, food systems and dietary practices impact climate change. These inextricable relationships provide challenges but also opportunities for adopting progressive adaptation and mitigation strategies that could simultaneously promote both population and planetary health.
Is Green Scum coming to a Favorite Lake near You? (and what You should do if it does!)
The sudden unexpected appearance of greenish, stagnant water at a preferred swimming spot is becoming a disturbing summertime experience for more New Hampshire beachgoers.
Time to Roll Up our Sleeves for Climate Health
As a new year and a new session of the New Hampshire Legislature approaches, it's time for bipartisan commitment to a healthy future for New Hampshire's climate.
You need a bath…
You need a bath… A forest bath, that is. No need for a tub or soap and towel. You won’t even need much of a forest - a city park or even a single tree will do - though immersion helps.
It’s time to VOTE like the Earth Depends on It
On or before November 8, it’s time to vote like the Earth depends on it.
Opposition to Chemical Recycling
Americans consume more plastic every year. While plastics are easy to use, they are not disposable. Eliminating plastic waste is a growing problem that jeopardizes our health and our environment.
Weird Weather, Heat Stress, and Backyard Conservation
Are there ways to protect backyard wildlife from heat stress as hotter summers become the norm?
For over 50 years, Earth Day has been celebrated nationwide on April 22nd to engage people about our earth and climate. And with good reason. Just about everything we do as humans impacts our physical world, especially the food we buy and choose to eat (or not.) In fact, food accounts for more than 1/3 of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Ice Out: How New Hampshire Winters are Slipping Away
New Hampshire’s winter culture is slipping away, with big implications for our tourist industry. As one UNH earth scientist put it, “For us in New England, winter is the fastest-changing season…We are losing the cold.”
NH Without Maple Syrup?
A changing New Hampshire climate will also have impacts on industries, economy, and livelihoods of New Hampshire residents. What will be the future of the maple syrup industry - a favorite NH staple for local residents and tourists?
More Warm Fall Days in a Warming Climate
Climate change leads to more warm days, altered pollen season, increased tick season, wildfires and heat stress. What are the health impacts and how can we adapt?
Pondering Climate, Drought and Laundry Chores in New Hampshire
A doctor does household laundry and ponders the potential health impacts climate change via droughts, heavy precipitation, and wildfires, then proposed actions to adapt to the changing conditions.